Les contes de randonnée en France / Iterative stories in France

  • Voici les contes de randonnées travaillés ou lus en classe :

    Nous avons lu deux versions de "la petite poule rousse". We heard 2 different versions of "the little red hen" :

    Using our story bag, the pupils retold the story :


    La petite poule rousse

    You'll find the tinytap game created for my pupils on the page Travailler sur les inférences, l'implicite et la compréhension fine / Working on inferences and deep comprehension

    In Andernos, the children enjoyed this story very much because there are onomatopoeias ....




    petit bonheur

    During his freetime, Soren decided to retell the story...


    Romina, I tried to make an english version finding onomatopeas that were suitable in english. I hope it won't be too bad :


    the louse and the flea

    We read "La grosse faim de petit bonhomme" a funny one !

    The story :


    la grosse faim de P'tit Bonhomme from md on Vimeo.


    We played a tinytap game made by our teacher. You'll find it on the page "Travailler sur les inférences, l'implicite et la compréhension fine..." too.


    This week, we are working on "Le bonnet rouge" de Brigitte Weninger

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    In this story, an elf loose his hat in the forest and many animals want to shelter in it ! 10 animals get into the hat ! My pupils were wondering how 10 animals including a bear, a wolf and a fox can stay in one hat all together ? They also enjoyed the animal trasks that run all over the book...

    It is important to retell a story, I mean to read it several times to the class because when it is rich like this one, the child sees and understands something new. The pupils are more involved in the storytelling moment. Here is a video of the second time I read "le bonnet rouge" to the whole class :



    le bonnet rouge


    Here are the last iterative stories we've read at school :


    Here is our animated video of the story "le bateau de Monsieur Zouglouglou" made by the younger pupils. In this story, Mr Zouglouglou finds a coin. He's hungry so he buys a nut and with its shell he makes a boat to sail on the river... But his trip will be amazing meeting several animals even a tiny one. Sing with the song all along the story...


    Film animé "Le bateau de Monsieur Zougouglou"


    You all know the big turnip but do you know any of the other stories ?

    Our new stories...

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    Mountain animals fighting sea animals ! Who will win ? And as often a small animal will give a happy end to the story !

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    "Ours qui lit" is the story of a reading bear in the autumn forest. Each time an animal comes and interrupts the bear's reading, the bear eats it ! But Rabbit is a clever animal... In this book you'll find traditional illustrations but also at the corner of the pages spatial representations !!! This is our first introduction of visio spatial representation...


    This week we started working on "Le petit bonhomme des bois". Here is what we noticed. The illustrations are quite similar to the ones of "ours qui lit". Murielle said this is because the illustrator is the same for both stories !

    Several animals are the same in the 2 stories too : the bear, the beaver, the wolf, the fox. As in the previous story, there are visual illustrations at the corners of the pages or in the pages. It is like symbols. These symbols are like simplified hads of the characters. They are oriented...

    e tried to put all the symbols in the chonological order. It was hard !


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    And here is the story :

    Ours pupils trying to put the visual representation of the story into order :

    The characters of the story :