Planning our project

  • Here is the link to our shared google doc with ideas, comments ...

    Live event - December 2017 - our decisions :

    Our common stories :

    As some of us suggested, we 'll have a simple activity about numbers using "the enormous turnip" story. We'll make a multiliingual book with the characters of the story using voice thread. Each partner will choose the national flag as a profile picture. The pupils will record the name of the characters and the number in their native language. This activity will be done before January the 12th. We'll give you the link to the voicethread very soon.

    Our collaborative story :

    1) The main character will be collaborative. It will be a fantastic animal made of all of us. Each country will draw a part of it (cadavre exquis) and won't see the others' work. All the drawings will be sent to one of us who will create this extraordinary animal. The drawings have to be sent to Celine (by mail or twitter) so that nobody will see your work before the final product before the 20th January. What will you have to draw ?

    Body : Choussila's class

    Head : Murielle's class

    Front legs : Meropi's class

    Back legs : Romina's class

    Surprising accessories : Celine's class 

    Here is how to make an exquisite corpse :


    2) The picture for the landscape (where the story takes place) :

    The story will take place in a landscape made of all of us as well. Each country  will choose a special place , buiding or monument (from your city) and will represent it using traditional stickers. Everything will be sent to Choussila by mail or twitter before the 27th of January. She will put them in a big picture where our story will take place.

    3) The parts :

    Our main character will be an animal. The name of the animal will be made collaboratively. Each partner will choose a syllabus. We'll mix them to create a name (vote ?).

    Like in the gingerbread man, there will be a tune or at least a few sentences repeated on each step of the story. The partners will make their part of the story and the illustration at the same time. We'll start our story on the 30th January. Here is the schedule :

    Part 1 : Romina's class (January 30th to February 2nd)

    Part 2 : Murielle's class ( February 5th to 9th)

    Part 3 : Celine's class (February 12th to 16th)

    Part 4 : Meropi's class (February 19th to 23rd)

    Part 5 : Choussila's class (February 26th to March 3rd)

    Visual illustration : Each character will be represented in a simple code way (using basic stickers)

    Retelling our story with Beebot :

    We'll all use the same mat for this beebot activity that we'll play during March (12 to 24).

    Illustrate our story with scratch junior : planned from April (to be discussed during next visio conference)

    Collaborative problem solving activity with our searchers : planned in May when the pupils will be used to the beebots. (to be discussed more precisely and adapted during our next visio conference)

    Evaluation of the project : May and June 

    Our next visio conference will take place at the end of March or beginning of April...