Apprenons à utiliser notre Beebot ou Bluebot / Let's learn how to play with our bee bot or Blue bot !

  • Dear partners, you can put here all types of material explaining or showing how your pupils learn to use their beebot or bluebot in class.

    If you have no idea of what to do with your beebot, you'll find plenty in the material section in english and in french. Feel free to add your own material to share with the other partners. There is a document presenting a way to use iterative stories with beebot. I've just found it this morning. This is one way and not the only way. But may be you can think about it ....

    As far as I am concerned, my pupils have started to work with the letters mat. They have to write their name with bee bot...

    Today, we used our bluebot to retell our story "le bonnet rouge". Here is the video :


    Beebot et l'histoire du bonnet rouge


    Munich: BeeBot et le bonnet rouge

    Introducing the children to Beebot - Malta


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    challenge Beebot 1

    And in Italy at that time...


    Now at Capsus preschool, we try to code the all trip, we need instruction cards to do so because we only have one go !

    essais codage

    2nd Kindergarten of Plagiari