16.1 Dissemination Tallinn

  • The project has been extensively introduced and promoted in Tallinn:

    -at the school level

    - the school staff was informed about the progerss of the ongoing progress at the annual general staff meetings

    - printed versions of the magazine were always on display in the school library

    -Teacher, students and parents at our schools were informed by wall displays, presentations of the participants, reports on homepages , for example: https://21k.ee/2018/05/22/rahvusvaheline-koostooprojekt-yeurope-making-a-student-magazine/ or https://21k.ee/oppetoo/rahvusvahelised-projektid/).

    at national and international level:

    - the printed version of the magazines was distributed to the students and teachers at the annual meeting of the three schools (KOKOKO - Tallinn School No 21, Hugo Treffner Gymnasium in Tartu and Pärnu Sütevaka Gymnasium) as well as to the 80+ guest delegations from all over the world every year.

    - Information on the project and its results were displayed on eTwinning
    - the magazine app is available on the Internet.