15.2 Evaluation after Rome meeting Feb'2019



    SURVEY: TPM4 Rome 18-22 February 2019 

    Number of students participating in the survey: 47 

    Of these 47, 26 participate for the first time in an Erasmus + Mobility. 

    Nationality: Spain: 7; Italy: 18; Germany: 5; Poland: 7, Estonia 10 


    How would you rate your participation in the making of the magazine? 

    (1: poor, 2: acceptable, 3: good, 4: very good, 5: excellent) 

    Acceptable: 11 votes; Good: 17 votes; Very good: 14 votes; Excellent: 5 votes. 


    If you rated your participation with "1" or "2" it was due to … (13 answers, multiple choice) 

    5- lack of time 

    3- communication problems 

    9- insufficient information 

    4- technical problems 


    How would you rate the organisation of the tasks for the third magazine issue? 

    (1: poor, 2: acceptable, 3: good, 4: very good, 5: excellent)? 

    Poor: 3 votes; Acceptable: 19 votes; Good: 19 votes; Very good: 12 votes; Excellent: 4 votes. 


    How could the magazine be improved (most common answers)? 

    More preparation for the project 

    By working in groups with people from different countries 

    I think it is quite good as it already is 


    How would you rate the interaction of the students from the different partner schools? 

    (1: poor, 2: acceptable, 3: good, 4: very good, 5: excellent) 

    Acceptable: 3 votes; Good: 23 votes; Very good: 17 votes; Excellent: 4 votes. 


    What do you think would be the best way to communicate in between meetings? 

    WhatsApp: 24 votes; FB: 10 votes; TwinSpace: 9 votes; Other: 4 votes 


    Explain briefly what you liked the most in this mobility (most common answers). 

    Meeting new people. 

    The sightseeing, nice hosting families 

    The chance to meet different cultures and lifestyles 

    Talking in English 


    Explain briefly what you liked the least in this mobility (most common answers). 


    Should have had more free time 

    the meal was not that much 


    What have you found the most challenging during the meeting (most common answers)? 

    Communicating in English 


    What skills have you improved (37 answers, multiple choice)? 

    Social skills: 34 

    Language skills: 27 

    Self-awareness:  14 

    Cultural skills: 25 

    Editing skills: 1