Group 2

  • Group 2

    Hi, my name is Anitra.

    It is pretty fun to do this task, but also pretty challenging. We still haven't finished programming the Ozobot to go through the maze, but the maze itself is done and ready to be went through.

    To programme our Ozobot, we use a place called Ozoblockly. It's similar to Scratch, but only for Ozobots.

    I tried to use Ozoblockly on my phone, but it didn't work as I wanted it to work. This is still the programme I tried to make to work.

    This is a part of the code.


    Now as we have almost finished going though half of the maze, we had to do a little test to see if the Ozobot really goes through the maze. It didn't work for the first twenty times, but as we finally made it, we were proud.

    No we just have to do the maze all the way and then we're done with this task!


    Hello, my name is Jannet. 

    It was good challenge to me. First we drew the labyrint, then we started makeing the progrmas. So there is my program. 

    And this is how my robot passes through the labyrint.