Project tools

  • Project tools:

    OzoBlockly Editor

    A tool to program the OzoBots. Works on computers and Ipads (maybe Android?)



    Programming tool for the Edison-robot. Available on most platforms!


    LEGO Mindstorm EV3 software

    The free, easy to use, icon based LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Software (PC/Mac) features fun missions and a programming interface that lets you explore the magic of making your robot do whatever you want it to do!


    Easy to use web page for live chat. Camera, audio and text chat, you can even share your desktop. You only need a web browser, no login required. It also features an app for Ipad and Android.



    Share text, links and pictures on a easy to use bulletin board.



    Similar to YouTube, but we have full control over the videos we share. We at Steinberg have a paid professional account, with lots of free space. Good for embedding videos on other platforms. It can be used for content we want to share outside the eTwinning-platform.


    MS Paint

    We use it to crop and save Print Screen pictures.


    Google Form

    We use it for asking feedback of project.