Project evaluation

  • Project evaluation for teachers

    Project evaluation for students
    LINK to the form

    The analysis of the responses of the students
    The questionnaire was filled in by 31 students

    The students ' answers

    What task was your favorite? Why?

    • The maze because it was the most intresting for me.
    • Speed
    • My favorite task was the regular polygon. I liked it because I thinkit was the easiest.
    • My favourite task was the task my class made. The reguar polygon. I found it the easiest and most likeable. I liked it because I think it was the easiest. I understood what I was doing and the program didn't get so long that I didn't understand it anymore.
    • The robot dance because I could make the robot go full speed all the time.
    • The second task, because it demanded more than just doing the task. We also had to find out, if the biggest robot is the fastest.
    • Task 3. It was fun to see robot dance.
    • The third task, because I liked to watch the robot dance and it was also pretty interesting to do, because of the many different options the Ozobot could dance. It was also pretty easy to use the app for dancing.
    • I liked the most Ozobot dance, because it was funny to do.
    • My favorite task was the maze because you had to find how far it had to go.
    • Robot dance
    • My favorite task is a the dance.
    • My favorite was robodance, because I love dancing and because of that it was very fun to make a dance for a little robot, we also experimented with different songs it could play and that was fun.
    • The maze. I liked the maze the best because it was challenging but fun, we needed to work together to get good results.
    • My favorite task was task 4, because we programmed the robot too drive in a maze.
    • The Maze
    • My favorite task was the robot dance because we have to use shapes to get the robot to dance.
    • The one that you took one meter and try to drive the fastest
    • I liked the maze because it was much coding and a lot of fun.
    • My favorite task was the maze because you had to test a few times to get the timing almost exactly.
    • I liked the beginning tasks because I think that robotics is very difficult.
    • The maze
    • The maze, because it was fun to program the robot in the maze.
    • I liked task 1. It was funny.
    • When we had the mini mase
    • My favorite task was the labyrinth, because first it was very hard to program it, but when I learn how to program it, it was very fun.
    • My favorite task was robot dance.
    • Because you could do your own moves
    • I think it was fun to turn the robot 90 to grees, beacuse it was fun finding out how to turn it and how long we needed to set the timer.
    • I liked the maze best because it was hard and a little and working with.
    • My favourite task the Robodance, because I enjoyed making the robot dance, and make music. It was cool to plan it, and that was something that I really liked.

    What task was the hardest? Why?

    • The maze because the programming was difficult.
    • I think the hardest was the maze. Because the program was too long and sometimes it stopped working.
    • In my opinion the hardest task was the maze. The program was very long and sometimes I just lost track of what I was doing. Making the robot turn was quite difficult as it kept turning too much or too little. I wasn't a big fan of this task.
    • The Maze because the robot isn´t very precise and started to go off the track.
    • THE FINAL TASK!!! Because it was too hard to programme the Ozobot, it was too small and had some technical difficulties.
    • I think taht the hardest task was the last one, becouse I had to measure all the maze again.
    • The final task. It was hard and because programming is pretty hard, I had spome difficullties with it. It was so irritating how changing one thing demands you to change twenty other things.
    • The maze was the hardest, because I didn´t have enough logic.
    • The hardest was also the maze because finding out how many seconds it had to go forward was hard when you had changed batteries.
    • The hardest task is a the maze.
    • The maze was the hardest, because we needed to time it on the second, and with different speeds. But we found out an accurate speed and second for the robot to go that many centimeters at the time.
    • I also think that the maze was the hard one because, we used to different ways and one of them got me really irritated because the robot didn`t go the correct way.
    • The hardest was the maze, because we programmed and tested, we used long time.
    • the Regular polygon
    • I think that the task that was the hardest was the mase because we have to find out how much second and speed you have to use.
    • The labyrinth one
    • I think the hardest task was the maze because we needed to test a bit to get to the right way.
    • The hardest was again the maze because of the timing.
    • The maze was the most difficult because it needed a lot of work.
    • The maze because it was much coding
    • The hardest was the maze, because it was a lot of testing and programing.
    • The labyrinth
    • The labyrinth
    • I think it was pretty hard to program the robot.
    • The labrynt was the hardest because you have to find out how many seconds and how fast the robot gone drive
    • I think the maze was realy hard beacuse, it was much you needed to do and go and check if it was right.
    • The maze because it was very differcult.
    • The Maze was the hardest, I think because we had to be very accurate, if not it wouldnt come through.

    What did you learned during the project? (at least three things)

    • Writing English, programming and creativity
    • I learned about programming, about polygons and how fast a robot can drive.
    • *programming, *how to use robot, *maths
    • I learned how to make a program for the robot and how to use the robot. I aslo learned some new words which I didn't know before. And I learned maths
    • I learned programming a robot, uploading video to Youtube and better english
    • 1. I learned some more English, because I had to communicate in English. 2. I learned that every robot is different and no robot will do anything that you don't programme it to do. 3. I learned that math is awesome!
    • I learn: What is actually ozobot, What i can to whit it, and how i can use it in everything!
    • 1. I learned how to programme and make the Ozobot move. 2. I learned how to speak some more English, because we had to always talk and write in English. 3. I learned how to find out speed while having distance and time. 4. I learned the magic of robots and that they didn't come into our world to destroy us.
    • I learned how to plan time. 2. I learned what my robot, Ozobot, can do. 3. I learned how to program my robot. 4. I practised my english too.
    • I learned how to program more advanced things.
    • Programing a robot, lerning to make a robot dance and make it move
    • Progamering a roobt, I make a roobot danc, I make a roobt go in a labarynt
    • I learned more about programming and that is great, because I don`t understand programming and computers that good. I learned how to cooperate better with others in computers as well, normally I would find one who programms, one who takes pictures and one who tested it, now we can borrow a bit on all of the tasks. I learned how to read a manual to program a robot and I understand that it can`t be done in three seconds, I learned to be more patient.
    • I learned to program a robot called Edison. I also learned how to download apps on a computer. And I learned that programming is really hard sometimes, so we need to be patient.
    • I learned to program a robot. I rearned to drive a robot. I learned the functions to a robot.
    • I leard to program i learnd to be a little better on pc i lerd to work better with other persons
    • That i learn in the project was how to program robots and to talk more english
    • I learn how to code and it was olso fun
    • I learned to code, how to complete puzzels and what code you needed to do.
    • I learned how to program robots and better at working in groups.
    • Programming robots * A lot of computer work * That you can download apps on your computer.
    • Coding,
    • I learned to programed a robot.
    • I learned how to use a robot. * I learned how to program a robot. * I learned a lot of math.
    • Robot dance make mucic
    • I learn how to program a robot, I learn how to drive it fast and slow. And the last thing I learned was getting better in maths.
    • I learn to write in to a program and more math and to program robots
    • I learnd how to use robots, and i think i learnd more math that i could. it was fun and i needed to think alot.
    • To controll the robot.
    • I learned how to program a robot. I learned how to make a robot do different things. I got better in english.