Task 3 - RobotDance

  • Task 3 - RobotDance

    Some inspiration...

    The goal of this task is to make your robot dance in beautiful geometric shapes.

    1. Your robot must do a minimum of three "dance moves". For example first move in a square, then a triangle and at last a circle.
    2. If possible, you must highlight the start of each "dance move" with light and/or sound.
    3. Film the robot dancing. Share the film and your code on TwinSpace.
    4. Optional - Be More Creative: Make the dance more interesting by adding more action. For example you can make the robot spin on it's axis (do a 360), move part of the dance backwards, blink it's LEDs, play more sounds, or other creative moves or actions.
    5. Optional - Dance Together: Add obstacle advoidance to your code. So that the robots can dance together without crashing.

    Tip: Use program loops for more efficient code.

    After completing this task, the students should have all the skills required to solve a maze using different methods of programming.