Let us vote for our logo

  • In this page, the students voted for the image they would like to have as the logo of our project. Each country had their students submit proposals and then they chose what their final logo candidate would be. The proposals had to come from the students' hometown, exhibit geometry features and be accompanied by a description presenting the proposal and explaining why it is significant to the local community.

    Then the students participated in the voting process, deciding which image could best represent the project and giving reasons for their choice. The winner was Senigallia's proposal with the rose window of St. Bendetto which has since been used as our logo. It was an excellent choice not only because it met the criteria set by the voting process but also because it was a message of support from the students to their Italian peers suffering from the terrors of earthquakes at the time. The voting process was carried out using 'Tricider'.



    Create and choose a LOGO that will be the public image of our project on the net!

    ADD your logo, and in the DESCRIPTION explain the meaning of the included IMAGE

    Then give ARGUMENTS for the logo you like best, explain why we should vote for them (in the middle column). Always mention your first name (no need for your last name)!

    Click here to vote!