At the start of our project we had a questionnaire - asking both students and teachers at the participating schools the same questions.
A questionnaire tells us where we stand at the start of our project and we wanted to see if we were on the right track, and see if our priorities were right.
We asked the students what subjects they liked, and this is what they answered:
This diagram shows what subjects the students like:
As we enticipated, the top three subjects were PE, Arts and crafts and Music. In our project the main aim is to use the subjects the students already like, to promote the STEM subjects. We will have the same questionnaire at the end of our project, to see what impact the project has had.
The survey also shows us that there is a discrepancy between how the students would like learn at school and the way they actually are taught.
Here are two examples:
Outdoor activities:
Educational games:
We see that the students want more of both these activities / ways of learning than they get at school.
The main question was: "How do you like to work at school?". The statements was "I like outdoor learning activities" and the students should give their opinion by ticking one of these: "strongly disagree" - "disagree" - "agree" - "strongly agree" - "no answer".
Then the main question was: "Which of these ways of work do you use in your class?". The statement here was: "I often do outdoor learning activities", and they should tick the same options. The same with the question about "educational games"
There are a lot of ways to learn, and using these will engage the students more. That is what we want to do in our project.
Here are the questionnaires and all the results, summed together. We have listed the answers from the students and the teachers side-by-side for you to see that also here we find that not all students see the good intensions their teachers have on their behalf.... Or do the teachers think they do more of this than they actually do?
At the end of our project, in spring 2019, we had a new questionnaire with the same questions. Could we notice any changes? If you click the "Results" link below, you get bothe the 2016 and the 2019 questionnaire side by side.
Take a look at the answers, and make your own opinion!
Questionnaire - students Questionnaire - teachers