23 September Equinox

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    Measurement activities take place from Monday 19 to Friday 23 September. During this week, the circumference calculations are coordinated between 2 schools.

    Equinox is on 23 sept at 01:04 UTC, we can consider that either 22 or 23 measures will be available for a calculation coordinated with equator.

    Argentina : | Chivilcoy | Rio Cuarto |
    Brazil: | Rio de Janeiro CENOM | Rio de Janeiro Méier | Jacarepaguá |
    Colombia : | Guarne
    Puerto Rico : | Bayamón |
    France : | Montcuq |
    Greece : | Aigio | Athens | Ilion |
    Romania : | Busteni | Malovăț | Slatina |
    Tunisia : | Bizerte |
    India : | Hyderabad |

    The calculations are made with  the Equator


    Collaborative measures between 2 partner schools

    16 schools realized 36 measures of the angle of the sun from 19 to 23 September at solar noon.

    Download pdf

  • September 2022 equinox

    September equinox
    Small book (Freinet style) in Greek-translation of the template that Astrofanaticos Group in Colombia have shared

    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece


    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece

    Posters for the new season

    11th Junior High School of Ilion

    Collage with posters for autumn

    11th Junior High School of Ilion

    Dissemination at school

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