Here is our collaborative magazine so that all the mobility students can get acquainted before meeting and collaborating together in Savigliano.
    This first magazine also tend to develop the students empathy so that they can understand they will meet people who can be culturally a bit different even if European. We hope they will also understand that there might be other differences between them which won't be in that magazine; they will have to be tolerant to make the most of it, aware of the group strengths and their weaknesses!
    It's not always easy to have different nationalities living and working together as we all have different every day habits as regards meal times, food, school timetables, bedtime  favourite moments... therefore, it's always important to let our students know about this.
    As for the teachers, we already have such a discussion as regards our habits, school systems, canteen or not at school, covid requirements and much more during a visio conference at the beginning of the project.
    The students have talked about themselves, their personality, their hobbies, likes and dislikes to prepare their arrival  in hosting families too; about their daily routine so that it can make things easier to prepare our mixed cultural cohabitation! - 
    Brigitte Collomb