Day 2: Thursday 14th October

  • DAY 2: Thursday October 14th

    • 8.30 - 9.00: virtual coffee time to exchange useful tools animated by Slovenia!
    • 9.00 – 10.00: what is a quality project? followed by a round table.
    • 10.00 – 11.00: project evaluation to measure our project impact on the different targets & our “risk management plan” presented by Poland
    • 11.00 – 12.30: Round table:  Stars & Creativity Entertainment Agency is green, social and creative! (Associations we could work with)
    • 12.30: Media minute! Special Poland!


    TTM- Day 2.pptx


    Virtual coffee: Getting the students in a role play.

    What do we need to get into our role play, brand our company and introduce it? Let's continue discovering collaborative and brainstorming tools.

    Link to collaborate sharing tools on Scrumblr

    Quality project round table:

    What are the Erasmus quality standards? What does each school needs as regards quality standards?

    Link to collaborate on Framapad:

    We discussed our Risk Management Plan presented by Poland.


    Targets and evaluation forms in our project:

    Project evaluation at the beginning, during, after... using various digital tools, or activities. Brainstorming is also an evaluation form. Then, a framapad to brainstorm forms of evaluation!





    Round table:  Stars & Creativity Entertainment Agency is green, social and creative!

    Let's discuss the Corporate Social Responsibilty of "Stars & Creativity Entertainment Agency" as well as the one of the project.

    A tricider for the teachers to share ideas, vote, argue on this topic.

  • Tweet about Day 2; we might use your testimony to write our newsletter.

    Brigitte -France

    Another hard working and inspiring day! I believe we had very constructive activities and exchanges again; we collaborated on various tools and orally, exploring the project steps and requirements as regards quality standards; sharing to build our Risk management plan. I personally really enjoyed when we talked about our countries, schools and daily habits! I am always very interested in discovering about other European people's life and looking foward to sharing that with them!

    Nuccia - Italy

    Off to a great start on our second day of Erasmus+ project!
    We have a very active morning schedule.
    Thanks to my expert partners we combine a session between the discover of some didactic tools and their effective use . It's amazing, learning by doing is really fun!!! ....And we want to involve our students in challenging, fun activities!!! But we also discussed of "serious" stuffs as the management risk and the quality standards of an Erasmus project. It's also time to think of the logo composition and we did it!!!!And the last part of our session we lovely chatted about our countries , towns, schools and that awaked our curiosity to live the experience of our next mobilities!!!!
    Fingers crossed!!!!!
    See you tomorrow.


    Second day was rich in collaborative activities where we practiced using TwinSpace and know each other better. We also spoke about project risk, project activities and evaluation.


    Working on collaborative tools.