• Do you prefer:
    Creating and receiving real Christmas postcards.
    2 votes (50.00%)
    Receiving real Christmas postcards but sending digital ones
    0 votes (0%)
    Creating and receiving digital Christmas postcards
    0 votes (0%)
    Creating and receiving both real and digital Christmas postcards
    2 votes (50.00%)
    I don't really like exchanging greetings for Christmas
    0 votes (0%)

    • CREATIVITY: create a green creative postcard; Christmas spirit and communication, connectivity between schools; partners wellbeing and gratifying socialization. + create a digital postcard!
    • CURRICULUM: English writing & reading, how to write a postcard; Christmas vocabulary, how to express wishes and gratitude.
    • COLLABORATION: exchange postcards and New Year's wishes
    • DIGITAL TOOL: Wordart, toony Tool, Birds dessinés...
    • RESULT: Christmas cards; digital cards & messages.

    ACTIVITY: exchange of sustainable postcards for each country.

    Dear sudents,

    Will you send a virtual or a real postcard? You can share photos of you working on the postcards, sending them, reading them... in the following subpages!!!

    A. Real postcards:

    1. Create Christmas postcards with your teacher and Art teacher. You must use biodegradable materials to make it eco-friendly; then you must choose affordable materials; finally it must be beautiful, cultural  and receive a grateful social message!
    2. Write to tell your friends about Christmas in your country; (typical decoration, food & drink, special dates and activities, what you want to have as presents, green tips for Christmas... )

    B. Digital postcards:

    1. Create a digital postcard on a free internet tool or using the TwinBoard (a picture + a text); it must be beautiful, cultural and receive a grateful social message!
    2. Write to tell your friends about Christmas in your country; you can also write a Christmas poem? Have you go other Christmas ideas to share on your digital postacard?


    SOME ONLINE GAME: to brainstorm words for your poem!