Assessment of the students involved in the project

  • After a school year in which they have worked together, students are assessed by their teachers using the same criteria and parameters.

    Since the beginning the teachers had in mind to open the doors of their classrooms (or of the students' rooms, given the pandemic situation that forced students not to attend school for a long time) and, therefore, as the individual classes became a single larger European class, even the assessment is done in common.

    The way students' job is assessed takes into account  many parameters as the involvement in the various project activities, the interaction with the partners, the contribution to the solution of the problem assigned to each international team with the driving question. Obviously, a special place in the final evaluation is reserved for the final videoconference, in which the national teams presented their work and answered questions from teachers and stakeholders.

    To remind students of some of the parameters with which they are assessed, we insert a checklist here: some activities have now passed and those who have not given their contribution then cannot fix it, but for some aspects there is still time and we invite those who know they are in good standing to fix things.

    Each involved student had to:

    • update his/her eTwinning profile
    • contribute to the logo picture posting pictures of themselves, their hobbies, their town or related to the topic of the project
    • collaborate to the school/town/region/food video presentation
    • post at least 5 messages on the forum collaborating with partners to carry out the tasks.
    • collaborate to the Infographic and to its comment writing on the forum or on the shared file, sharing material, etc.
    • take part to at least 3 out of 4 online events, in particular to the last one, presenting the project's results or answering questions
    • answer to the final survey 

    For Italian students this project is part of their CLIL path but also of their path for transversal skills and orientation (PCTO), which they will discuss next year in the final exam with external commissioners.

    For French students, this project is part of their CLIL path.


    Here is the assessment rubric decided by the teachers: 

    CATEGORY Excellent Good Sufficient Insufficient
    Mathematical Concepts Explanation shows complete understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s). Explanation shows substantial understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s). Explanation shows some understanding of the mathematical concepts needed to solve the problem(s). Explanation shows very limited understanding of the underlying concepts needed to solve the problem(s) OR is not written.
    Mathematical Reasoning Uses complex and refined mathematical reasoning. Uses effective mathematical reasoning Some evidence of mathematical reasoning. Little evidence of mathematical reasoning.
    Use of Manipulatives Student always listens and follows directions and only uses manipulatives as instructed. Student typically listens and follows directions and uses manipulatives as instructed most of the time. Student sometimes listens and follows directions and uses manipulatives appropriately when reminded. Student rarely listens and often "plays" with the manipulatives instead of using them as instructed.
    Working with Others Student was an engaged partner listening to suggestions of others and working cooperatively throughout lesson. Student was an engaged partner but had trouble listening to others and/or working cooperatively. Student cooperated with others but needed prompting to stay on-task. Student did not work effectively with others.
    Explanation Explanation is detailed and clear. Explanation is clear. Explanation is a little difficult to understand but includes critical components. Explanation is difficult to understand and is missing several components OR was not included.
    Neatness and Organization The work is presented in a neat clear organized fashion that is easy to read. The work is presented in a neat and organized fashion that is usually easy to read. The work is presented in an organized fashion but may be hard to read at times. The work appears sloppy and unorganized. It is hard to know what information goes together.
    Speaking Student speaks off the cuff, respects the time limit and speaks clearly and distinctly all the time and mispronounces no words. Student generally speaks off the cuff, respects the time limit, speaks clearly and distinctly all the time but sometimes mispronounces the words. Student speaks off the cuff most of the time, respects the time limit, speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time and sometimes mispronounces the words. Student does not speak off the cuff most of the time, does not respect the time limit, often mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces many words.
    TwinSpace activity Student interacted with the partners in an active and timely way for all the project activities and filled out his/her profile. Student interacted with the partners in an active and timely way for the most part of the project activities and filled out his/her profile. Student did not interact with the partners in a very active way for many project activities but he/she filled in his/her own profile. Student did not interact with the partners in a very active way for the most part of the project activities and he/she did not fill in his/her own profile.


    The Kahoot! the activity carried out during the final videoconference is evaluated as a "bonus" obtained by the students who get on the podium or get a good score during the game.