Greek team presents two job interview models

  • Greek team presents two Job Interview models for a Team Leader position at a summer camp, where two candidates are interviewed by a real ­ life Human Resources Director and answer the same questions. After they are done, our interviewer gives her opinion on the key points of the two interviews.

    Video produced by the Erasmus+ team of 3 Geniko Lykeio Galatsi

    Participating students:  Ariadni Barbari, Christina Mentzini, Dimitris Lazos, Nefeli Koutala, Niki Kribali.

    Supervising teachers: Elena Zalavra, Dimitra Rimpa, Chryssanthi Korre, Koralia Petrochilou, Lizeta Pomoni.

    Special thanks for advising and participating: Angeliki Economou, Human Resources Manager.