7B- Make the eCity greener



    Small things can make a big difference.


    So if you all suggest small actions that we can do in our everyday life to take care of the planet, we will be able to make the eCity greener :)




    1. To make things easier you will have to make at least 3 mixed subgroups in each flat, national groups won’t be accepted, there should be at least 2 nationalities in each group.

    2. Each group will have to decide on an action, create a short video campaign to promote it. Your video will include a recording, a slogan , copyright free pictures or your own drawings, if you want, you can even film short scenes to explain concrete actions to go greener.


    You will receive a Twinmail with all the instructions to make the groups and share your creations. DEADLINE: 29.01.2021 (Friday) 8:00 p.m.