Meeting Plans

  • Wizardus+ Swing SPRING TOURNAMENT

    and Wizardus+ House FUN (Fabulous Ubiquitous Navigators)


    SMILE Online Meeting, May 19, 2021, 17:00 CET

    Find the detailed plan with links for both events here: 

    SMILE Online Meeting.docx

    Housewarming Party PLAN

    Dear all,

    Just a quick going through what we are going to do at the party.

    1. We will greet the students and have a roll call (ask them to put the House name along with their name when they sign in. If they can't, we will have a quick "walk through" with pictures on how to do that (see the pics attached) and while they do that I will separate them in houses. 

    2. Also, while I am still separating them in houses (which can be lengthy - up to 10 min - which is ok, because some might be late in joining) they will take a piece of paper (if they hadn't designed it already as in case of Monika who will ask them to have something ready or me who is going to let them do it in class tomorrow)

                                                       Time alloted  - 10 min approximately


    3. In the "House" (Breakout room) you will introduce yourself/ves as House Dame or Master and tell them about what is your role in the project (to guide them through the activities) and tell them the plan. Which is: 

    I. The Action Bound Contest (make sure you tell them that it is a challenge everyone else is taking). The Action Bound is going to be installed by the teacher and done by the teacher too. Students will see the questions on the screen which will be shared by the teacher (the teacher will share the presentation attached)

     I have changed the Silly picture Mission into a Logo Photo Mission - that should be less stressful for the students and linked with the next task. And added 3 more questions which are based on the first 3 Chapters of the Book. Not very difficult.

    Attention! For the Photo Mission make sure you stop Screen Sharing, and put the screen in Gallery View (not in Speaker View) so that all the students are in the picture and not only the person who is speaking. (How to do that? See the picture attached)

    II. Each student is going to say his/her name and present the logo. Say what is there that they drew and why (or just simply say their name and show it to the camera).

    II. If there is still time after that and you still need to do something but the time is not up, you could go to the House Slogan Page and write/select together the best slogan.

    Slogans are here (have the links ready to be shared in the chat of your house, just in case you have time to give it to the students to write):

                                                       Time alloted - 20 minutes


    4. Come back to the Main Room (will be done automatically and it will inform you 1 min ahead of time, there is going to be a countdown) and present the results. Will start with the Action Bound results Then each house will present the logo chosen (and the slogan if available).


    And ... if we manage to do that all in one session - then we are really MAGICIANS!

    If we don't, we might need to come back for another 10 min or so to present the results (I have a feeling we are not going to manage in just 40 min, we need at lead 50 to 60 min :)

    Zoom disconnects after 40 min. and if we don't manage we will sign in for another 5, 10 min.


    Here are the teachers who will be responsible for the houses in the meeting:

    Monika - Wisdom House

    Fatma - Courage House

    Sandra, Melanie - Humanity House

    Antonio - Justice House

    Liiana - Temperance House

    Mirka, Maria - Transcendence House


    Good luck to all of us! 

    If you feel there is something we should skip, let me or Sandra know. If you need more info or details, send a message on WhatsApp.



    Liliana and Sandra


    Here is the SMILE Shared Word Document where we all planned the project altogether.