English Galore

  • Dear SMILE students!

    This is a page dedicated to the English Language. You will use your knowledge of English to accomplish tasks.

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    On this page you will learn how to express hypothetical, imaginary situations.

    In English that is done by using Past Simple and WOULD in "if" sentences.

    For example:

    If I were Dumbledore,

    I would make some major changes at Hogwarts.

    That means that I am not Dumbledore,

    but I imagine what I would do if I were in his place.


    TASK If I had a magic wand...

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    You had designed a magic wand in Mrs Khan's Charms Class. Imagine that your wand has magic powers. Think about what would you do with it. What would you use it for?

    Start by thinking. Pick an idea. If you could do anything, what would you do? Would it be something for yourself, for your friend, for your family, for the environment, animals, society, country or global community, earth in general?

    Describe just one idea. 

    Start with "If I had a magic wand I would..." by stating your idea and then explain why it is important to change something in that particular area.

    Post your result in the Google Slides below and

    earnpurple bean (7 points)  for each short entry that expresses just the idea.

    2 pink beans (18 points) for an idea explained, described, developed.