Chapters 14-17

  • In Chapter 17 Harry looks in the Mirror of Erised and sees his family for the first time. He sees his mother and father smiling down at him. 

    Mirror of Erised was a magical mirror, which, according to Albus Dumbledore, shows the "deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts." The name "Erised" is "desire" spelled backwards, as if reflected in a mirror. In the mirrorHarry encounters the Potter family and it is this that is 'nothing more or less than the deepest desire' of young Harry's heart.


    Imagine you are looking into the Mirror of Erised. What do you see? Write about it in the Twin Board Below and earn 2 pink beans .


  • What do you see in the Mirror of Erised?

    Smaranda MD 5

    I see the world of my dreams, a non polluted world, where there are no politics and everybody is equal, they are all save, guns dont exist, crossbows only, no cars, horse, bikes and carrieges, everyone is free to wear whatever they want and be themselves

    Emy MD5

    I see a beautiful and non-toxic world with no discrimination and no angry socialists. With good people and good friends.


    I made a ilustration so it's easier for you

    Alexandru Carp MD5

    In the mirror i see my dream world with a lot of plants , no poluation and people that are good to each other .In the mirror I see all my friends happy too.


    i see a beautiful forest and the people i love most. i see the person i most desire to meet. the forest is burning bit by bit but it is no danger nothing is melting. it is making it beautiful. there are no bad people in the forest. no maniacs trying to take innocent human lifes.

    Sebastian MD5 JUSTICE

    I see a beautifull forrest with sow many animals and a beautifull river and my beautifull futer

    Madalin 5A MD Transcendce

    I see a planet that is not poluated and with no bad things. And i see that i'm stronger that i am.