SMILE Curriculum

  • SMILE's first and foremost purpose is to create a learning environment that would give students the opportunity to find out and develop their character strengths while interacting, communicating, creating and learning together with their peers from Austria, Czech Republic, Ireland, Moldova, Poland, Spain and Turkey.

    Source of the text to the credo: STEAM Powered Family

    SMILE Objectives

    In this project students will:

    Personal Development:

    - discover their character strenghts

    - develop their character strenghts such as creativity, love of learning, social intelligence, leadership, perseverance, team work, self-regulation, etc.


    - learn and talk about the science of magic tricks

    - contribute with a potion in Herbology Class and an ingredient in Potion Class for Felicitas Potion created in collaboration.

    - perform and explain the science behind some of the tricks and experiments in Physics, Chemistry



    - use the specific vocabulary to talk about and explain the magic of different sciences (explaining processes)

    - create an advertisement (video + writing – Promote their House Means of Transport)

    - brainstorm solutions, give reasons and advice (Slogan brainstorming, Wizardus+ House FUN) 

    - write a personal description by connecting and contrasting (Introductions, SMILE Motivation Letters)

    - learn the structure of a Motivation letter (SMILE Motivation Letters)

    - write structured paragraphs (If I had a magic wand)

    - learn the vocabuary of "magic" in three languages - French, English, German

    - to use English/French/German to communicate and perform a certain task



    - to read and recreate a school environment similar with Hogwarts from Harry Potter Book Series by J.K. Rowling

    - to join a school community - SMILE Houses to communicate, collaborate and create together in mixed nationality groups

    - have the opportunity to participate in all SMILE events (the Autumn, Winter and Spring Tournaments)


    In this project teachers will:

    • Manage a page on the subject they teach connected with magic
    • Monitor a SMILE House and moderate their activity
    • Contribute to the creation of the Learning Resources Collection to develop students’ various skills


    Skills and Compentences

    Literacy: Reading and writing skills

    Collaborative skills: multinational interactions, group work skills, leadership

    Critical Thinking and Problem Solving:

    - creating a new product out of existing elements and advertise it (Wizardus+), 

    - coming up with ingredients for a happiness potion

    Self-control and self-learning - involving in the learning activities in SMILE Classes

    Linguistic competences: communication in a foreign language skills,

    Civic competency 

    - Responsible civic behavior

    - Understanding of codes of conduct and customs in different environments individuals operate

    - Interacting with other individuals according to the democratic values like transparency, openness, social responsibility and human dignity

    Becoming active in society in order to have an impact on the decision making