Teachers' project expectation

  • Tell your expectations for the project!

    • Students should have fun when constructing with Geogebra (Monika, GER)
    • Our collaboration will be successful, our students will learn meaningful content with joy using GeoGebra (Eka Chabiukashvili, Georgia)
    • Students and teacher can see that the work with Geogebra is very related to art (Monika, GER).
    • I hope that we will have a lot of communication and cooperation although all students are very young and have only a small level of english for communicating about math.(Monika, GER)
    • Developing the digital competencies required in the lifelong learning process.(CRO)
    • Introducing interactive tools to help them learn, understand geometry processes and concepts, and develop creativity. (CRO)
    • Practicing English language communication and working with students from other countries to develop social and language competencies. (CRO)
    • And I hope that the students will have fun through the activities and that we will get a gallery of wonderful works.(CRO)
    • I expect students to develop digital and communication skills.(SRB)
    • Hope that students will learn to work at Geogebra and that they will develop logic and critical thinking by solving tasks. (SRB)
    • Students will have the opportunity to view the geometry in a different way from that provided for the syllabuses. Have fun and enjoy working on project. (SRB)
    • I like to watch my students exploring new aspects of learning. It's great oportunity to use their common skills to create art (POL).  
    • I hope they will comunicate a lot with their new friends from other countries. (POL)
    • Geogebra is a great powerful tool, knowing it gives the students an another option to "touch" the geometry or other aspects of math. (POL)