Základná škola M. R. Štefánika v Ivanke pri Dunaji
SNP 3, 900 28 Ivanka pri Dunaji, Slovakia
Our school has around 870 pupils (6 to 15 yrs old), 50 teachers, 14 educators, 1 special pedagogue and 2 teacher assistants. It is one of the biggest schools in the region and plays an important part in the life of our village near the capital of Slovakia. The school is oriented to foreign languages, ICT and environmental education. We have achieved many good results in various competitions. We have participated in several international projects, such as Erasmus+, eTwinning Schoolovision (two European Quality Labels), Green Day or Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary. Teachers, parents and municipality organise various cultural and social events for pupils together.
School website
School Facebook page
We have been participating in Schoolovision since 2016 and we have never won :-)
However, we believe that our songs are not bad at all and you can enjoy them on this Youtube channel
Our school also participates in a national network of Green Schools. The first years were devoted to recycling. From this year the Collegium of the Green School concentrates on the greenery. They have started to make short videos too.
How the pupils see the schoolyard
Suggestions how to improve the schoolyard
Our school magazine, among other activities, informs about Schoolovision on Tour and the logo competitionStefanikoviny_OKT_NOV_2020_compressed.pdf
We hope you will enjoy the videoguides of our village made by our students!
Tour around Ivanka pri Dunaji
Ivanka pri Dunaji. A funny guide
And other students made Minecraft models of the most important buildings of Ivanka, including our school.
Minecraft presentation of Ivanka pri Dunaji buildings
Pupils' presentations, guides and leaflets about our village and region
About Ivanka pri Dunaji
ANJ letak o Ivanke Peter Roháľ.pptx
Black Death St Rosalia Chapel.pdf
School and village leaflet Bočová.pdf
Ivanka_pri_Dunaji Guide Martina Antalicová.pdf
Ivanka Leaflet LauraFojtíková.pdf
Antal Grassalkovich.pptx
About the Senec District
About Bratislava
Bratislava guide TomášMozolík.pptx
About Slovakia
Guide about country Júlia Safková.pptx