Organic dishes

  • Szkoła Podstawowa im. Kazimierza Nowaka w Dąbrówce


    How important nutrition is for climate protection - this is what we need to talk about. Our consumer habits and profligacy affect the climate every day. Food waste and excessive consumption of meat products contribute to the release of not only carbon dioxide but also methane. That's why we cultivate our school garden and make pumpkin from the garden - a soup!

    We also talked about the problem of bio-waste during the construction of the biogas plant - we work for the climate. It can be used very practically. This knowledge is extremely useful!

    See the video planned, edited and played by the students! :)




    ZSS Kowanówko

    Caring for the environment is also proper nutrition. We promote healthy, vegetable dishes, which is why we have prepared pumpkin soup, oat biscuits and beet burgers.