Comics on climate protection

  • One of the students' favorite comic generating tools is the free comixify program. It's a great, intuitive tool that allows you to create unique comics in minutes, without having to create an account or log in. How to do it?

    Go to the website HERE. Then add a minimum of several photos or video files. Once loaded, a comic will be generated that you can edit at your discretion. On the right side of the comic are tools for editing it. You can apply a filter that changes the style of the comic, then add text clouds, and then download the comic to your computer, or share it on the web. Remember, however, that the created comic remains on the portal and if you use third party photos you must have their consent to use the image.

    We have recently generated funny project comics on topics related to climate protection. How do you like them?



    Together we create a comic book that is dedicated to environmental protection. We made it thanks to JumperStory.

    Comics on clima protection

    Book titled 'ORA-AMA-KOcome together'Read this book made on StoryJumper!function(){function d(){"undefined"==typeof SJMakeBookOpenLightBox?--c>0&&setTimeout(d,100):SJMakeBookOpenLightBox()}function e(){/in/.test(document.readyState)?setTimeout(e,9):d()}var a="https:"==document.location.protocol?"https:":"http:";if("undefined"==typeof SJScriptLoaded){window.SJScriptLoaded=!0;var b=document.createElement("script"),c=80;b.src=a+"//",b.async=true,b.setAttribute("defer",""),document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b),e()}}();