Thought map - how rainforests affect the Earth's climate

  • Thought map - how rainforests affect the Earth's climate

    Thought map

    We used IT to work - Dąbrówka Team

    Thought map

    We used IT to our work

    How rainforests affect the Earth's climate?

    by Klaudia

    How rainforests affect the Earth's climate?

    Dąbrówka Team, by Zosia & Dominika

    How rainforests affect the Earth's climate?

    Dąbrówka TEAM, TM

    Making off...Borneo Forest



    Thought map - how rainforests affect the Earth's climate


    Thought map - how rainforests affect the Earth's climate


    Thought map - how rainforests affect the Earth's climate

  • The study tour of eTwinning!  

    Palms, arachnids, exotic plants? This is our trip to the Faculty of Biology at the University of Poznan. We were getting to know the biology and ecology of plants and animals, including rainforest inhabitants! 
