• Reader and Workbook

    This reader and workbook is the result of the cooperation of three (initially four) European schools on the Erasmus+ funded project The courage to stand up for diversity in Europe - then and now (2019-2022). The texts provided here represent one focus of the project only - the courage that made people stand up against the terror regime of National Socialism across Europe (at least in the four countries involved: Czechia, France, Germany and Greece).

    The other aspect of the project was the courage to stand up for diversity and European values today. Although standing up for Europe today and offering young people across Europe the opportunity to become active, involved and dedicated builders of the “house of Europe“ is of utmost importance, the aspects we dealt with during our project are but individual examples.

    The reader and workbook is available in English, German, Czech and Greek. A french version is underway.






    Project Handbook

    This handbook on project practice provides a wealth of experience, reflections and suggestions for international project work. It is aimed primarily at project newcomers to give orientation and structure to the work that often seems overwhelming in the beginning. Our advice does not claim to be perfect or complete.

    • Part 1 provides quick access to basic ideas for understanding a project. of a project;
    • Part 2 goes into more depth and concretises how a project is methodically planned and brought to life;
    • Part 3 contains practical tips on the main aspects of project work. project work.

