GERMANY, August 2021

  • After the withdrawal of the French partner school and especially the pandemic which made the two planned mobilities to France and the Czech Republic impossible and the virtual mobility (Stand up Czech Republic) which demanded a lot from the young people, the joy of the real meeting was even more motivating.

    And this despite the fact that the project week had to take place during the summer holidays. Especially living together in a youth hostel promoted intercultural cohesion enormously, friendships were deepened and newly formed (as some young people were newcomers). All the young people worked very well and productively together and always spent their (little) free time in international groups. The numerous "intercultural challenges" (exercises, games, trainings) greatly promoted cohesion and intercultural understanding.

    A total of 26 people took part in the last project week: 5 students, 2 teachers from Kaiserslautern; 6 students, 2 teachers from Lechena; 8 students, 2 teachers from Stribro; 1 external expert. Because of the Corona rules, everyone lived together in the youth hostel during the project week.

    The historical aspect (Germany under Nazi Regime) was dealt with in 6 workshops, including a visit to a memorial site and a guided tour of Hambach Castle. The young people always worked in international teams on the historical development of National Socialism in Germany, filled in the timeline they had started with the most important dates and dealt with basic texts on resistance groups in Nazi Germany as well as selected biographies of resistance fighters from the region, for which they wrote and presented stories.
    The aspect of modern Europe in diversity was dealt with through numerous intercultural exercises, games and trainings as well as through advanced workshops. Since everyone spent the entire time together, they were able to experience cultural differences and similarities very well. In discussions, ways and means were discussed on how to "stand up" for a diverse Europe. In the final evaluation, all results of the project weeks (physical and virtual) were summarised once again and the final exhibition was prepared and presented together in BBS 1.