Climate action - local activity in the Czech school

We decided to work with the class IT1 (first year of their study), 25 students (age 15-16) of the branch information technology.
First we created the team of teachers of the following subjects: English, science, physical education, IT and social science. Teachers prepared the project for the class.
Then the class was divided into small groups, we gave the members of the groups different roles - searching the information, gathering and verifying the information, translating into English, making power point presentation, team managing etc.
During the project we taught students to work in the team, to search and verify the information, make power point presentations, team communication, on-line work, English etc.
Of course we realised that some groups worked better than the others; in some teams there were more or less useful members. Also the results of students work are different. But we are satisfied with our project results which was also welcome diversification of on-line teaching (the project was prepared online because at that time there was distance learning in the CR because of COVID).
All presentations are in files - Climate action and in the attachment.
Erasmus_Air pollution2_Czech.pptx
Erasmus_Air pollution_Czech.pptx
Erasmus_Endangered animals_Czech .pptx
Erasmus_Endangered animals1_Czech.pptx
Erasmus_Endangered animals2_Czech.pptx
Erasmus_Climate change_Czech.pptx
Global warming_Czech.pptx