I.T.S.E.T. "Manlio Capitolo"


    The I.T.S.E.T. ("Istituto Tecnico Statale Economico e Tecnologico", State Technical Economic and Technological Institute) "Manlio Capitolo" (a XX century jurist and poet born in Tursi) is a secondary and public high school founded in 1973 in Tursi, a small town in Basilicata, a region in southern Italy. Nowadays, the school population is a bit less than 300 students between 14 and 19 years old. The "Manlio Capitolo" has 4 learning paths and addresses: "computer science", "management, finance and marketing", "building, environment and territory" and tourism. The school building is spacious, bright, well airy, quiet and surrounded by a large courtyard with trees. On the ground floor there are no architectural barriers and security is guaranteed in every situation. The multimedia equipment is adequate both from numeric and qualitative points of view: the schools has 7 labs, 1 library, 1 gym and 1 basketball/volley court outdoor. The available economic funds used come from the ministry, in addition to those that eventually come from projects funded by Region (Basilicata) and Province (Matera). Many funds coming from the ministry, European Union and PON projects allowed to improve the building aesthetics, to extend the LAN-WLAN networks and to boost up the so called "digital environments" in order to provide modern devices for digital teaching in (almost) every classroom. Moreover, the school is provided with a defibrillator as well. The school fosters student's needs through the commitment and the professionalism of all workers (headmasters, teachers, administrative employees...) that never left aside the necessary and effective human touch with students.