Directions for voting the project's logo.
1. Only the students of each partner (in total 20 students) that will take part to the mobility in Slovenia can vote. As for Slovenian students only the 5 ones that will participate to the activities in the period from 16th to 20th of March 2020. The total of votes will be 25.
2. Once Catalin have provided the URL for voting on this page (TWINSPACE), students should vote from January 20th to 25th 2020. Not later!
3. The URL for vote will open a page for voting.
4. In order to avoid any conflict of interest, an important rule is that students should not vote for the logo made by their schoolmates, that is Italian students could not vote for the logo made by the Italian student, Portuguese students could not vote for the logo made by the Portuguese student, etc.
5. The URL is Http://