
  • Hi Pedro! We are in the group together.

    So I'm trying to chat with you. We can also chat on a social: do you prefer Instagram or Whatsapp? ( For Whatsapp I need your numberπŸ€”)

    Tell me when you can talk with me.

    I don't know if you will be able to see this message because it isn't a discussion.πŸ˜ƒ

    See you later!.πŸ˜‰<




    Hi Pedro.

    My teacher gave us some instructions for our project : first we must decide the name of our group.

    If you want we may chat on Instagram (or do you prefer Whatsapp??πŸ™„) .After we must decide three ideas to realize ( with the link of the pdf, videos or photos that we use). 

    Finally we must choose a video chat when we may talk about our project (whit some screenshot of the chat)

    Please replay me : I'm waiting for your reply...


    So if you want to use Whatsapp I will give you my telephon number on Instagram..




    Hello! My teacher told us we have to decide our group name: do you like Pedravide? It's the fusion of our names!

    After that we have to choose three projects ( three ideas ) : for this I thought at

    1) A robot that can read the name of our cities (like lisboa, ragusa, samos and munchen) 

    2) A robot that can speak and he will introduce us to others (for me he will say: Hi! I'm Davide, I'm 14 etc...)

    I don't have a third idea...

    I will try to think about it.