a SMART FISHING Rod by Orion-Philipp-Fotis

  • Me and Fotis had thought some ideas about our project. 

    A robot that is fishing small fishes in the sea or in a river. It gonna be fit in your hand like a glove.

    Look the videos bellow:





    Our team has fishing as a hobby!!

    That is why we decided to build a Smart Fishing Rod.

    This mechanism will be powered by an EV3 brick and uses a Large EV3 Motor to retract the fishing line.

    You can see a prototype we built in our pictures below (at the group story).

    The operation of the motor can be easily controlled by the EV3 brick control buttons. Normaly the push of a button will start retracting the line and there will be the UP and DOWN control buttons for faster or slower motor speeds. An emergency stop button is to be used for sure.

    We also use an Ultrasonic sensor to detect the "stoppage latch" that is placed at the desired point on the fishing line just after the fishing lure. In this way the retracting mechanism can have an indication to automatically stop rolling the line or decrease its retraction speed so that the fisherman is not hurt by the fast moving lure.

    Today there are several commercial electric reels that perform this function. In the following video there is an example of the Shimano electric reel that inspired us for this project.


    Photo: typical lures

  • This is our group story

    Smart Fishing Rod

    First prototype of the Smart Fishing Rod

    Smart Fishing Rod
    Smart Fishing Rod
    Smart Fishing Rod
    Smart Fishing Rod
    Smart Fishing Rod