Visits to nature

  • Cyprus: Visit a bio-farm

    5th and 6th graders had the opportunity to stay for two days in a bio-farm of the area. 

    CYPRUS * Educatıonal Programme

    Υoung Τourism Αmbassadors

    5th and 6th graders vısıted ımportant places ın the ısland that are related to nature and hıstory.




    In our school we love going outside! In the following video you can see our experience in our Nature trip! 



    In Finland 1st graders went to forest to study animals and mushrooms.

    Children had three picture card of animals or plants. They worked in small groups and chose one of the cards and made the animal or a plant of natural materials. Then other groups came and guessed what it was. If they had time they also made frames for their piece of art. Then we talked about how to classify the plants and animals.


     A snake An ant




    Students of Tamasos Primary School had a fantastic day in nature with many environmental activities.

    5th grade / teacher Dora Mechanicou

    2th grade / Pantelitsa Hadjialexandrou


    Students from II A class, teacher Adriana Lefter had a very nice day into the forest with activities and games




    Students from School Elena Doamna had a great day into the forest, with games and great activities

    II C class, teacher Diaconu Gina




    Students from 21st Primary School of Athens visited a beautiful park and studied wild birds through playing.

    2nd grade, teacher Olga Dimitrakopoulou

    The environmental program “Forest-Green Suburbs” was attended by the students of 1th and 5th Grade. During the program the students came into contact with the forest of Ymittos and through experiential and participatory activities and games learned the value of the forest, the dangers that threatened it and learned to care for it and respect it.



    Students from I A class from Romania, teacher Ionica Gîta

    Students from the 3rd grdae Tecuci enjoyed sunny days outside the classroom.



    Gurri School from Catalonia goes on a Nature Trip!

    The students of “Gurri School” have made a massive collection of waste found around the school. We have delimited an area and we have collected quantities of waste that we have then carried out the selective process of the same waste.



    Cyprus: Two-day excursion at a bio-farm

    Our 6th graders said their goodbyes to their beloved school by participating in a two-day excursion to the Riverland Bio-Farm. There they had the chance to take part in lovely eco activities such as enjoying kayak rides, climbing, performing archery, horse riding, taking nature walks, having a camp fire and many more.


  • Greece, Nature trip in the forest of Parnitha(Attica)

    Feeding the deer

    4th class
    Excursion in the forest of Parnitha.. we had an extraordinary experience with the protected animals(deer ) in natural park.