Data protection and copyright issues

  • Data-protection and copyright issues:

    Τhere are issues relating to working on the internet in a safe and secure way, that everybody, teachers and students alike should be aware of and be equipped for to the benefit of all. Every citizen in today’s world is also a citizen of the digital world and needs to understand what the rights and responsibilities of being a digital citizen are.

    We need to be able to look after ourselves and our pupils and remain safe. So we set e-safety   rules for students and teachers

    Pupil e-safety rules

    For my own personal safety – everywhere!


    I will ask permission from a member of staff before using the Internet at school on any device.

    I will tell an adult about anything online which makes me feel uncomfortable.

    I am aware that when I share a picture or video on the internet other people may copy it and I will not be able to delete it.

    I will not put my “Personal Information” online. (My full name, birthday, phone number, address, postcode, school, etc.).

    Teacher's e-safety and copyright rules

    Post information, images, or videos on our project's pages should be fine for showing in class. If you are using an image or another material from the Internet, you are obligated to always display the website that contains it.

    Copyright law gives you a set of rights that prevents other people from copying your work and doing other things with your work that you may not like. Please, respect the copyright on Internet!