Climate change

  • Finland - Climate change

    Beloved nature - PowerPoint presentations

    First we started to think why nature is so important for us. The second graders discussed in groups and then we collected all the answers. We found lots of reasons! Together we agreed that when nature is so important for us we do want to protect our beloved nature.

    Then we started to practice how to use PowerPoint. It took time because the second graders haven't used PowerPoint before. We all learned a lot when both teacher and pupils teach each others. Every child made own presentation and they were really excited about it. In the end we had really beutiful PowerPoint presentations which we shared together! 

    Here are some PowerPoint slides:



    Finland and Romania - Minigroup working

    Finnish and Romanian pupils made together padlet named Beloved nature. First each pupil took a picture of a nature place which he really likes. Then we shared the pictures in padlet and watched them in our classes. We really have beautiful nature!






    The second cycle students of Els Castanyers school were interested in renewable energies. They discussed this topic and they decided to start the climate change project. They had some questions about the weather, the atmospheric phenomena, the sea levels and also they thought about the actions they could take in order to improve the climate change. 

    One school parent works in renewable energy and he came to school to give the students a lot of information about windmills. The kids were so motivated that they decided to make a windmill robot. The school owns a lego robotic kit and this project was carried out in the robotix workshop, two hours a week.

    The objective of this project is to learn about climate change, to know what is happening on our planet and to take actions to solve the situation as much as possible. There is a specific objective which is to build a windmill robot.

    Students are conscious about climate change and different ways we can stop and fight against it. Through this project students will know different types of jobs related to renewable energies.




    Our students participated in the campaign COP26 FOREST OF PROMISES. #PromiseToThePlanet is a campaign led by the World Organisation of the Scouts Movement, aiming to bring as many people around the world as possible on board with the mission of finding solutions to the climate crisis. On 5th November, the Friday of week 1 of COP, schools are invited to be part of a ‘Forest of Promises’. Students make leaves from paper or card and write a #PromiseToThePlanet that they wish to make on one side. On the other side, they write a promise they want to see made by world leaders, sending the message that we all need to be part of the change, but none of us can do it alone. 

    Students of 5th and 6th grades creating leaves with their promise to the Planet and a message that the leaders of world hear at COP26.


    Romania -  Climate Change

    Even though we returned to school, some of the project continued to be conducted online for the safety and health of students. So our green cities are also shaping up in the virtual environment, using Minecraft. Grouping 5 students from the 4th grade, the students created sustainable cities. Activitatae had several steps. The project started with a meeting with architect Steigerwald Laura who presented to the students the main features of a Smart city, some ideas and suggestions for work were presented and in teams the students made the first plans on paper or directly in the work platform. The students, during the online meetings, presented their ideas about the cities of the future, the specific elements of a green city, types of buildings, the use of alternative energy, and in the final session the cities received the appreciation of the participants' tours and a happy feedback. The students were delighted to discover that using a game they can learn and discover multiple pieces of information, develop their work skills and especially cooperate. Teamwork greatly encouraged those who did not know the game well enough to practice, not give up and be open to the new. Minecraft games involve collaborating with other children and teammates. In fact, sometimes this is the only way a player can achieve certain goals. By pooling and sharing resources while planning together, children will learn to rely on each other. They will have to work together to achieve their common goal!  





    The third grade students, coordinated by Adriana Lefter, investigated global warming through a text, Lars, the husky dog. A story investigated using the STEM approach. Students read the text, selected scientific information, identified the effects of climate change on living things, the polar bear. To understand the students participated in an experiment, how much it protects the layer of fat, the body of the bear, by immersing the morning through a start of fat, in an ice bowl. Their conclusions were recorded, analyzed. The students built houses made of ice, an igloo for the two characters in the story, using various materials. In the end, there were messengers and activists against climate change by broadcasting messages on TV.


    Global warming caused by the intervention of men all over the natural habitats, the poluation, is a pressing matter of our days which results in the loss and degradation of food chains. There are thousands of species endangered. The climate is changing every day and we can see it for ourselves. For example in our country, in the same day can be spring, and winter and summer, because the air currents, the precipitations and temperature are fluctuating.

        The global temperature rising every year caused the glaciers to melt alarmingly fast. The polar bears, the polar foxes, the polar rabbits, ringed seals, penguins Adelie and others remain without food or are hunted in excess.

        I presented to the children of my class a few short educational movies from Youtube about the arctic animals. I chose to speak them about this matter because we live in a country with a temperate continental climate and because they have little knowledge of these animals.



    Cyprus: Generation AI - How AI can contribute to the tackling of climate change


    The students of class 6B participated in the european programme Generation AI.

    They studied the issue of Artificial Intelligence, they recognised AI applications that they use in their every day life, they watched VR videos related to the issue, they produced their own video and played AI games. Finally they engaged in Aumented Reality activities with the use of Merge Cubes and contructed their own interactive AI game using Scratch. The purpose of the game is to educate their younger school mates on the issue of the preservance of the ocean life.

    You can find their game here.

    Peggy and Nino clean the ocean


    Here is the video they produced in order to explain the concept of AI to other chidren.

    And some photos of their activities: