How to....

  • How to... MANAGE the TWINSPACE

    Check detailed info HERE -please visit ALL the subpages where you can find all the info and support we need.

    In particular, let's share some main topic


    This is where projects’ updates are shared by teachers and commented by all other members, including pupils. It’s the ‘cover’ of the TwinSpace, with the most relevant information, and part of it it’s by default public. 

    Teachers can also use the Bulletin to plan their activities, share ideas and organise meetings. The Bulletin is not visible for pupils.

    Did you know?

    • The newsfeed of the Homepage is public and can be seen by anyone on the Internet. The URL is the same of the restricted version. However, only users’ posts are published (no comments, no likes). Users’ names cannot be ‘clicked’ to go to their profile. It works like a blog and we can use tha homepage as a report of our activities 
    • The newsfeed is also visible on the project’s profile in eTwinning Live (including comments and links to users’ profiles (if they are registered in eTwinning). 
    • Administrators can see posts from users and from the system (when new discussions, threads and pages are created). They can select what to view by filtering only users’ posts or system updates, or both.
    • Administrators can edit the information of the TwinSpace (title and description) from the ‘edit profile’ page available by clicking on the icon etwinning top menu (next to the picture). They can change also the layout of the TwinSpace (three templates are available: the change will affect the TwinSpace for all its members). Changes of the title and description will not have any impact on the name of the project.


    . How to upload video 


    - How to upload images


    - How to insert images in a page 
