Global citizenship

  • Romania

    4th graders understood that active citizenship also means protecting others who cannot protect themselves. We researched, we read on the internet in the book of laws to animals and plants and we discovered many rules that we pass on to everyone.


    Drepturile animalelor .pdf


    Prezentare fără titlu.pdf


    MARC-Drepturile Animalelor.pptx

    REBECA IOANA NEAGU - Tema limba si literatura romama 9.11.2020.pdf

    Drepturile Animalelor (1).pdf





    Travelling whith Mr 2Π

    What does each trip offer us?
     Do we become ordinary tourists or do we give and take in the place we visit? 
    Is it our journey, new knowledge or are we just passers-by in a consumerist mood?
    2Π gives students the opportunity to approach the concept of Active Global Citizen. 
    Mr. 2Π is a doll who embodies the World Citizen and his travels, 
    is the occasion to develop activities and to "start" the journey in the world. 
    Together with 2p the children discover what is happening in the world 
    and how it works, and they think about what their role is in it.




    Pupils have listened a video about global citizenship, concretly it was a storytelling about the meaning of being global. We have discussed its meaning, goals and we have talked about actions we alredy do to be global. 

    Finally, we have done a huge mural with diferents labellings explaining the meaning of being a global citizen and ODS related to this topic. 



    School Elena Doamna- Tecuci -Romania

    Students from the CP a grade, 6-7 years old learned about the topic “Responsible Consumption and Production”, Education for sustainable development



    First class B students from Elena Doamna School have learned that one of the consequences of climate change is the disappearance of species. We also  discussed about some of the species in our country that are endangered. Then we proceeded to making posters about saving the animals and our planet. We finished the activity by encouraging the students to  take home all the informations about the endangered species and all the small changes we can make to Take a better care of our planet.


    Cyprus: Active Citizenship

    A sample of the activities carried out in our school with regards to Active Citizenship.


    Participation in the national campaign 'Unique Smiles 2022' regarding the rights of people with rare genetic diseases.


    Participation in the art project 'For Freedom and Peace' which was organized by the national Teachers' Association.


    Making lemonade for a good cause: The students of the 5th and the 6th grade made lemonade with fruit that they brought from home. Their products were sold to their classmates. All the money they concentrated were donated to the programme 'Adopt a Child'.


  • Greece, Global Citizenship with digital skills

    Digital answer

    Students in groups evaluate their sustainable goals

    Playing kahoot with students of Cyprus

    A kahoot created about the 17 Goals of Sustainable Development. We played all together.