Water study

  • Water excplorers - B1 Greece - Athens, teacher Konstantina Bozonelou

    Students of class B1 with their teacher Konstantina Bozonelou study about water. They learn about water cycle,  suggest ways to save water and make posters...

    Learning through experiment materials dissolvable or not in water/water pollution

    In our computer lab they set the scene for the water drop’s “stops” .They dressed up our robot as a drop , they programmed it and enjoyed our drop’s journey!

    It started from the clouds above, and reached the Earth . It travelled through the mountains ,the rivers ,the lakes and reached the sea. The sun warmed it ,it  climbed up  the clouds  and fell back to Earth again.

    At the end they evaluated the project using the Kahoot poll





    Water study - Preschool A, România - Tecuci, teacher Cocolici AniÈ™oara 

            The students of Preparatory class A from ,,Lady Elena" School studied the water from the Lady Oltea's Park lake. The teacher collected the water and brought it in the classroom. 
           The students measured the water temperature, tested the acidity, smelled it and studied the fauna with and without the microscope. It was a great experience for the whole class.




    Students from 3rd A class, Scchool Elena Doamna, Romania made a water study to discover temperature, nitrites, nitrats, sign of lives using microscope.


    The Green Water Book, Finland


    The class 1 B of Kultavuori School studied what is the meaning of water and how you can save water. We discussed a lot, searched for information on the internet and made some experiments.

    The children also learned how to use Book Creator. First they learned it in pairs and made their own books. Then we made the Green Water Book together. Each pair made a couple of pages of the Green Water Book. The teacher translated it in English. In the end we made a video from it.