Activism, flashmobs, campaigns, ....



    Our participated in the campaign COP26 FOREST OF PROMISES. 

    Students of 5th and 6th grades creating leaves with their promise to the Planet and a message that the leaders of world hear at COP26.



    Students from 4th class, teacher Adriana Lefter , participated into a big campain from our school, Be active! Protect nature! Students create posters and display them on the school yard.  





    In November 2021 our school participated in the campaign COP26 'FOREST OF PROMISES'. 

    The students of all grades created leaves with their individual promise to Earth and a message to the leaders of the world that participated in COP26.

    OCOF_Certificate_Tamasos Primary School_081121.pdf





    This year we completed our three-year participation in the national programme "Eco-Schools'. On 21st June 2022 we received our green flag in a special ceremony.


    CYPRUS: Participation in the 3rd Panhellenic Conference 'eLearning - eCreativity Odysseus in the land of Internet 2022'

    The 6th grade participated in the educational program "Odysseas 2022" of the University of Crete, which took place in Rethymno, Crete from June 3 to 5, 2022. At the end of the program, the children traveled with their parents and teachers to Rethymno, Crete , where they presented their work in the context of the 3rd ODYSSEA Panhellenic Conference 'eLearning - eCreativity 2022 - Odysseus in the land of the Internet'.At the same time, they participated in experiential workshops and visited important archaeological and historical monuments of Crete, such as thearchaeological site of Knossos, the traditional mountain village ofArchanes and the Holy Trinity Monastery of Tzagarolo. The action wasincluded in the general framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 program "TAKE CARE: Sustainable children - Sustainable Earth", in which our school participates.