"Everybody is okay."

  • Promote acceptance among young people

    by Natalia, Ola, Fabian (PL), Steve, Natalie E., David, Helena (D), Anastasia, Katerina, Eleni, Olga (GR)

    Promote acceptance among young people

    Different cultures

    • Support the development of intercultural awareness and combat prejudice

    Information and education for young people about their rights

    • Discrimination(in any kind of form);Nationality and immigration(citizenship and more acceptance);Religion(freedom of religion);

    Promote access to quality services – e.g. transport, e-inclusion, health, and social services

    • Everyone should be treated the same and should have the possibilty to access these quality services

    Support the active citizenship,social inclusion and solidarity of all young people

    • active citizenship(participation in the state or elections);social inclusion(improving the ability,opportunity,and dignity of people,disadvantaged on the basis of their identity,to take part in society);solidarity of young people(shared interests,objectives,standards,and sympathies creating a psychological sense of unity of groups or classes)

    Create more and equal opportunities for all young people to participate in education and in the labour market

    • possibilities for young people to take part in education and in the labour market

    Encourage a cross-sector approach to address exclusion in areas such as education and employment

    • Economic exclusion is a multidimensional process in which particular groups are prevented from participating fully and equally in the economic life of their city or metropolitan area

    inability to improve one’s economic circumstances


    1. We communicate with other group members;

    2. Then we did brainstorm what we can do to show others that "everyone is OK";

    3. We had so many ideas in our heads, but we decided to choose two of them, witch was film wherein we show that everyone can be equal, be kind to each other and talk to someone who feels alone. The second was mirage witch show all team members that are holding different words that create a motivational statement.



    We think that tolerance for all is  an important topic because we are one, we believe in love, acceptance, kindness, respect and the power of our voice. And for that reason we have to treat each other equally no matter one's skin colour, one's backround or race.

    We hope that people will realize it is awful to judge someone without knowing their story. Everyone is special in their own different way. In the end, we all bleed the same colour. Remember this and we will go a long way in getting along with people.


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