"Make Europe great again!"

  • Spread knowledge about the EU among young people

    by MikoĊ‚aj, Kamila (PL), Jalnk, Jonis, Francesca, Olivia (D), Yostina, Elpida, Nikiforos (GR)


    We worked in international group for a long time first we had to write on sides our requirements and thoughts about project. Then we made our first project in groups named ,,European house". This project started series of work about EU. During next months we took part in discusions named ,,Benefits of the EU" , ,,Europe & Me" and a lot of another works. Not for a long time ago we started project named ,,International teamwork". In this project we have been grouped. We get topic named ,,Make Europe great again!" After conversation with people from another countries we decided to paint stones. Stones have flags of Poland Greece, Germany. We wanted to show that we can work together, without problems and we can make something great. By painting stones we wanted to encourage people to don't destroy forest and don't throw rubbish and another noxious things outside but to the rubbish bins. Our stones show us how beautiful nature is:

    We created this presentation that so young people could see more about what our team did:


    We also asked the German refugee class Fit für mehr to paint a few stones for us:

    On the occasion of an Erasmus+ application workshop some stones were taken to the EU-Geschäftsstelle of the regional body responsible for secondary schools which supports schools with Erasmus+. Here you can see Karsten Mielke and Andrea Stein with their presents:


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