4.17 Corona times


    Portuguese team

    COVID-19 - April 2020 - Inside Out.pdf

    Portugal - CORONA VIRUS.pdf


    Irish team


    The First Video was made by our Transition Year Students to help bring awareness and remind out school community of the importance of being vigiliant over the Christmas holidays.

    This is a short video our students made and it was watched by all students in our school.


    Some of the changes made in our school;

    1. One way walking system.

    2. Base classrooms for each class group.  No more moving between classroom, the students stay in their own base room and the teachers move.

    3. Split lunches, we now have a diferent lunch time for junior students and senior students.  Another way to reduce the numbers out and about.

    4.  Everyone must wear a mask.  Sit 1 metre apart in the classroom in a designated seat.

    5. Hand washing, sanitising hands on entry to school, and entering and exiting classroom.

    6. All tables and chairs are snaitised for the next person.


    Positive = Positive impact, so far we have had no cases of covid in our school.

    Negative impact = no group work, less communication between teachers and students, mostly the teacher doing all the talking, we call it chalk and talk.  No sharing, no group games, no practicals for example no cooking in Home Economic class, no engineering, no wood work etc.

    Virtual Graduation

    Due to Covid we could not have a Graduation for our LEaving Cert students so we prepared this..It came out really well, please forgive my singing :-)


    Corona times learned us a lot. We had to stop doing things we liked, we had to learn to accept things we didnt do before. All Erasmus mobilities were cancelled. We were looking forward to seeing our friends in Portugal and Ireland but we couldnt.

    Since March 2020 we had to stay at home and learn from home. First reactions were - yupii no school, but soon we started to miss our everyday routine, friends and hobbies. School at distance learning was difficult - due to all technologies we had to arrange and find the way to study efficiently. Our days were all the same - first we slept longer in the morning, it was difficult for us to get up and start online lessons on time. :) 

    In out free time we learned how to make face masks from different cloths, families were all together and we learned the importance of being together. Our goals changed too. Some of the exams were cancelled, which made our studies easier. After holidays we could start school in September. We were happy to see our friends, classmates and teachers. But soon the situation became serious again and in mid October we had to stay at home again. Only pupils 6-10 could go to school. But we were working on project activities from home. Some of them were possible to prepare from home - online.