Screen Usage Guide

  • This section will be coordinated by Croatia.

    It will contain the activities that partners consider convenient to include to deal with healthylifes at school or at home.

    Each partner must provide three possible activities (previously implemented at school). All activities will be analysed, compared, assessed and implemented by partners. 

  • Screen Usage Activities

    HealMe Spain Screen Usages Activity

    Video slogan to make people aware of how addicted we are to technology use in our everyday life.

    HealMe Spain Screen Usage Activity

    Research, polling and listing screen usages amedments which are also shared with the scholar community at our school

    Heal Me Spain Screen Usage Students' Ppt.
    HealMe Spain Screen Usage Activity 3

    Screen Usage Commandments

    Screen usage 1 / Latvia, “The harmful effects of technologies”, ICT lesson

    Objectives of the activity:
    1. To encourage students to think about their attitudes towards technologies (pluses and minuses).
    2. To widen students' knowledge of potential health problems caused by technologies.
    3. To encourage searching for alternative ways to spend time without technologies.
    4. To develop group-working skills.

    Screen usage 2/ Latvia “Safe Internet”, ICT lesson

    In this activity students study all of the following problem situations that can be encountered on the Internet: slander, threatening, harassment, stalking, incitement to racial or ethnic hatred, pictures or videos showing violence, blackmail, mocking, fake profiles and emotional humiliation on the Internet.
    Students analyse given situations by preparing answers to the following questions:
    1) In your opinion, is the given situation a case of infringement?
    2) What would you do if you were in this situation (in the victim's role)?
    3) Do you think anyone should report this situation?
    4) Whom could it be reported to?
    5) Do you believe that friends and other Internet users should be alerted to such cases?
    6) Would you report if you noticed that someone else (not you) was in such a situation?

    Screen Usage 3/Latvia “Technology Game”

    While gathering the information about harmful effects of technologies and making research on the technologies’ impacts on their health, students came across a lot of useful information. Students wanted to share it with younger learners, because they still know too less about the topic. To make it more attractive, they decided to create a game. The aim of the game is to provide the information, to make children think about their technology using habits.