Sports Guide

  • Sports Guide


    All partners must implement 3 activities to deal with sports and to promote a sporty life among students. All partners must show evidence of this on this portal.


    This action will be partly implemented during C6 mobility in Austria. 

  • Sports Activities

    Heal Me Spain- Reinterpret tradicional games!
    Heal Me Spain- Create a new sport!
    Heal Me Spain- The Brain/Body Connection
    Heal Me Spain- A new sport has been born: Hitball

    Students invent their own sport and explain to us the rules and the necessary equipment to play it

    Sports activities 1 / Latvia, Classroom Physical Activity Breaks

    A typical student's attention span is about 10 to 15 minutes long, yet most classes can last for 40 minutes to an hour. Students get tired, especially if the school day means 7 – 8 lessons.
    Research shows that taking short, purposeful breaks from studying to refresh the brain and body increases energy, productivity, and ability to focus. Movement breaks or “brain breaks” are classroom-based physical activity programs for students to get them moving more. Movement energizes them and increases their ability to focus on the next learning activity. In order for students to learn, they need to move!

    Sports Activities 2 / Latvia, Sports Day

    Sports day is an occasion where students, teachers, and sometimes also parents come together for a day of competitive sport. Some schools choose to offer medals or prizes to the winners of the various events, but for others, participation is its own reward. In our school the day is typically held in the beginning of the school year.

    Sports Activities 3/ Latvia, Sports in lessons

    In today’s day and age, youngsters are spending more time glued to television screens, their smartphones and rooted to their classroom desks. Teachers and educational professionals emphasize that young people should do sport and understand that fitness is important to be healthy and to do well at school, but don’t always have the time or know-how to engage students with the benefits of sports. Including elements of sports in regular classes is a way to encourage more sports participation at school.

    Sports Activities, Latvia / presentation