Task 4: Healthy Lifestyles Survey

  •    All project students will conduct interviews or surveys or other testing tools at a community level to check students', teachers', parents' and other community members' lifestyle to show results and show conclusions in a report. 


       HealMe Spain will publish this report on Twinspace and all partners will show evidence of the task posting evidence here. 


  • Healthy lifestyles at our schools

    Students healthy lifestyles (Spain)

    Students elaborated their own questionnaires on Google Forms to ask other teenagers at school and in hometown about their healthy lifetsyles ( sport, meal choices, habits, recycling, free time activities).

    How to live healthy? Interviews with parents ...(Croatia)

    How to live healthy? What can we do for our health and that of our loved ones?

    Today, perhaps more than ever, it is important to find the answer to these questions!
    The way most people live today does not leave much room for healthy choices, but they exist, they just need to be found and selected….
    Creating a healthy lifestyle involves taking care of yourself, your own life and health, and that of your loved ones! We asked our students to talk to their loved ones to make sense of the importance of this topic.

    Student Emma talks to her mother Susan (CRO)
    School Volunteer - Why do I volunteer? (Cro)

    Student Mila from Požega explains why she volunteers.

    Student Emanuel talks to his mother Mirjana (CRO)
    Student Emanuel talks about his experience with volunteering. (CRO)
    Healthy lifestyle interviews (Latvia)

    In January students from Nīkrāces Elementary School interviewed their parents and teachers to find out their healthy habits. Students made a survey with 18 questions, which were connected with 6 Healthy lifestyle dimensions – food, physical activities, healthy environment, bad habits, medical check-ups and free time activities.
    The information was gathered and analysed, and in the end, students wrote some suggestion letters to their parents and teachers.
    The opinions about this activity were summarized in a short film, made by HealMe student team.

    Film about interviews (Latvia)
    Volunteering (CRO)

    The female students launched the Girls to Girls campaign, which aims to help female peers in earthquake-affected areas. More about the action itself can be read in the report written by student Terezija Tomić, a member of the Journalists' Group led by teacher Marija Mrkojević.

    Volunteering (CRO)

    On the occasion of the International Book Donation Day, which is celebrated on February 14, the school library, in cooperation with a group of student journalists, launched an action of collecting and donating books among students and staff of the Gymnasium.
    The idea was for students and professors to bring the books they had read and donate them. It is a two-week volunteer project that aims to awaken the love of reading and giving books among young people.