
  • The exchange focused on a 2019 British comedy-drama film Blinded by the light (external text) and a group debate on the proposition “Nobody wins unless everybody wins” (task-based text). 

    Altogether 12 sessions were held, and the following agenda items were covered:

    1. The Danish language and culture
    2. Partner schools’ home countries
    3. A trip to Esbjerg and Fanø

    Language with film

    1. Film reviews
    2. Character study and discussion questions

    Content with language

    1. A debate over equality of opportunity vs. equality of outcome (equity)
    2. A role play on cultural differences

    Social activities

    1. Teambuilding
    2. Photo-hunting

    The instructor-compiled and/or –generated texts (content resources)

    1. Body language
    2. Amnesty International
    3. Sustainable development
    4. The Wadden Sea