Portuguese old foto revival

  • We found a photo of a group os students from 1946. They attended the 5th grade of Bussiness and Trade Course in Escola Industrail de Guimrães (Industrial School in Guimarães), one of the few schools in our area in that time.

    Although they are our age (14-16 years old) they look much older because of the outfits.


    Our aim was to make the photo revival using our own school, a modern 21st century buildng. We asked our parents and teachers for similar outfits as the ones used by the students in the past: suits, skirts and ties. After seven or eight tries we came out with a picture.


    Not bad! We enjoyed to dree up as in 1946 and felt more powerful and gown up. It was a fun day, but we prefer to live in 2019.