Museum of Education

  • Another museum visit followed later. It was the visit to the Museum of Greek Education in Kalambaka. Again, the students followed a procedure of the pre – during and after the museum visit stages.

    In order to prepare the students, teachers had a brainstorming discussion with them about the usefulness of a museum of that kind and the types of exhibits it may contain.

    During the visit to the museum, the students were guided around the various spaces of the museum. Then they took part in a classroom simulation organized by the museum curators. Students had the opportunity to experience the circumstances under which teaching and learning was carried out, to know the different forms of punishment and the writing material used some decades ago. Afterwards, old toys’ demonstration and physic experiments followed as well as video projections concerning the formation of the Meteora Rocks and the monastery life in the past. All the above were part of the museum’s activities.

    A supplementary activity designed by teachers urged the students to walk around the spaces of the museum, to observe, to compare and in other words “read” the museum and thus set up principles upon which they will design their own school’s museum corner.

     Writing down essays about the impression they got and the impact the visit had on them was the after the museum visit activity which took part at school. The students were asked to write about this museum experience in their personal diary (when –how-who –why –what –end up with feelings and thoughts)

    The creation of the school museum corner is the project’s objective which will prove the effectiveness of the previous visit.

    The purpose of this museum visit was to get the students to know the history and culture of Greek society, to compare items, ideas and attitudes of the past with the present, to discover the importance of the educational system, to realize that the present is not disconnected from the past.